Calling all sci-fi readers! If you’ve enjoyed my books so far, how about joining my special group of VIP readers?
R2D2 says, “Eeeeep, beep, deep.” That’s robotese for “Don’t miss out.”
Here’s what’s in it for you:
Get new books for free! As a VIP reader, you’ll receive a digital copy of my new books 2-4 weeks before everyone else.
Special deals and exclusive offers. You’ll get the 411 on pre-orders, giveaways, and more.
Behind the scenes book launch adventures. I’ll share the blooper reel from my (mis)adventures in the writing & publishing world.
To be a part of this, there are two simple things that I need from you:
Leave a short, honest book review on Amazon and/or Goodreads during the book’s launch week.
Do at least one post on social media to help spread the word. Tweet, post a Facebook or LinkedIn update, share on Instagram, or Google Plus.
I am grateful for any other support if you love the book–sharing on social media, recommending the book to others, buying a paperback copy, and sending thank you messages 🙂
**Sign up below. I can only accept 250 people into this group, so please consider joining today!**